Love love love this! Taking walks immediately after I close my screen is my essential ritual so I completely understand unplugging but not rotting. There can be a balance!

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I keep telling myself I'm going to try doing one spontaneous thing a week before work starts, but this is a much better idea! Usually I just come home, eat, and Substack or sit on TikTok. It didn't occur to me that the night before can set the tone for the morning of.

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love this! 🙌💘

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Love this so much! This quote inspired me, “instead, try this: replace your doom-scrolling with something that feels like it’s for you.” It made me think about my post-work transition and what I could do to make it less mundane because I’m soooo guilty of this. I work from home, so it’s tough to make a real transition. (No more train or car to help me relax) I love the idea of journaling or listening to a post work playlist though! Thank you for the suggestions!

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The “couch vortex” 😵‍💫 I know it well. Haha. Love all these suggestions!

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my friends hate routine and do everything in spurs and through inspiration but i find peace in routine, and the routine changes and evolves as i do and it's just perfect, thank you for your piece as always <3

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